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Apart from direct bilateral assistance, Mali has availed Indian assistance through TEAM-9 (Techno-Economic Approach for Africa-India Movement aimed at 9 West African States), NEPAD (New Partnership for Africa’s Development) and ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) Bank. India has so far extended Lines of Credit worth US$ 303.62 million as per details given below:
Rural Electrification (1.7.2005): US$15 million (Under TEAM 9)
Tractors and tractor assembly plant (1.7.2005): US$ 12million (Under TEAM 9)
Railway coaches and locomotives (5.7.2005): 20.62 million (Under NEPAD)
Power-grid interconnection between Cote d’Ivoire and Mali and distribution: US$ 141 million
- First Installment (22.5.2007): US$ 30 million (Under TEAM 9)
- Second Installment (9.7.2007): US$ 45 million (Under TEAM 9)
- Third Installment (15.7.2009): US$ 36 million (Bilateral)
- Indian aid through ECOWAS Bank (December 2009): US$ 30 million
Agriculture and Food processing (15.10.2009): US$15 million (Bilateral)
Power Transmission Project (January 2012): US$ 100 million (Bilateral)