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Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) / Special Commonwealth Assistance for Africa (SCAAP) Programmes of the Government of India (GOI) and other scholarships offered by GOI:
The Government of India offers various short term training programmes under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme to Mauritania. The ITEC programme is administered by the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India, under which all expenses including international airfare, boarding, lodging, tuition fees, etc. are borne by the GOI. These programmes essentially aim to enhance the qualification and skills of persons who are already employed in government establishments.
The ITEC Programme, fully funded by the Government of India, has evolved and grown over the years. Under ITEC and its sister programme SCAAP (Special Commonwealth African Assistance Programme), 161 countries in Asia, Africa, East Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean as well as Pacific and Small Island countries are invited to share in the Indian developmental experience acquired over six decades of India's existence as a free nation. India spends a substantial amount annually on ITEC activities.
Complete details of the programme are available at the website link http://itec.mea.gov.in.
Trainees from Mauritania benefit from the programme every year. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania is the nodal Ministries for nomination of candidates under the schemes.
The courses are of short and medium durations in diversified fields and are conducted by renowned institutions in India, from April through March of the following year. The training programme is demand-driven and subjects selected are of interest to developing countries for their working professionals. The wide and diverse spectrum of skills and disciplines offered ranges from IT to rural development, parliamentary practices to entrepreneurship, marine to aeronautical engineering and so on. An encouraging trend of senior level participants from within and outside Government joining ITEC courses has been noticed which indicates the efficacy of the courses for capacity building, empowerment and upgrading of skills. From time to time, the Indian institutions also devise special courses, which meet the specific needs of the beneficiary countries.
It may be noted that the Embassy of India, Bamako does not entertain applications directly from the candidates aspiring to attend these courses. Applications have to be routed through the nodal ministries of the Governments concerned. Applications for the training programmes should also not to be provided directly to the training institutions or to the Ministry of External Affairs of India. After forward by the concerned Government Department, the applications are processed initially at the Embassy of India in Bamako, and then recommended to the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi, which coordinates with the training institutions for selection of candidates and further processing.
Important links:
ITEC website of GOI: https://www.itecgoi.in/index.php
How to apply: https://www.itecgoi.in/how_to_apply.php
ITEC Terms and Conditions: https://www.itecgoi.in/terms_and_conditions.php
Other Scholarships:
ICCR Scholarship under the Africa Scholarship Scheme (ASC): India also offers scholarships for higher studies in Indian Universities through Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR). The scholarship is available for under graduate, post graduate and doctoral programmes as well as in professional courses such as engineering, pharmacy, accountancy, business administration and management. Scholarships are also given for learning Indian dance, music, painting, sculpture, etc.
For further information, please visit at ICCR’s “Admissions to Alumni (A2A) Portal at http://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in/
Scholarships under the India Africa Forum Summit initiatives (IAFS): Apart from the ITEC / SCAAP courses, a number of other training courses are also being offered under the initiatives of the India-Africa Forum Summits.
For any queries please contact 00 223 202 354 20 or 00 223 202 354 21 or e-mail at hoc[dot]bamako[at]mea[dot]go[dot]in for details.
C. V. Raman Fellowship scheme: Since 2010, the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India through the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) has been offering C.V. Raman International Fellowship for African Researchers. For submission of application online and more important details, please visit www.indoafrica-cvrf.in. For queries please e-mail at: hoc[dot]bamako[at]mea[dot]go[dot]in
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Please visit the official Government of India website to find everything you need to know about studying and living inIndia: https://www.studyinindia.gov.in/