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Following miscellaneous consular services may be obtained by filling up the "Miscellaneous Consular Services Related to the Indian passports" Application Form:
Birth Certificate
A Birth Certificate may be issued to the applicant based on the date of birth mentioned in the passport.
i. Original passport
ii. Photocopy of first and last two pages and any other page with a stamp from Passport Office /Passport Issuing Authority
iii. Residence permit/work permit/visa for Mali/Mauritania with a photocopy.
iv Two photographs (one pasted on the form)
Police Clearance Certificate
A Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) can be issued to the applicant if a clear police verification report is available in the system.
i. Original passport
ii. Photocopy of first and last two pages and any other page with a stamp from Passport Office/Passport Issuing Authority.
iii. Residence permit /work permit /visa for Mali/Mauritania with a photocopy.
iv. Two photographs (one pasted on the form).
v. Additional Declaration to be signed and provided with the application.
v. Click the link to apply for PCC https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/
Emergency Certificate
An Emergency Certificate is a travel document issued to an Indian national who is without his passport on account of loss or damage and is required to travel to India urgently. In case you are in need of an Emergency Certificate, please contact the Embassy to set up an appointment. The documents that may be needed are:
i. Dully filled-in and signed application. Click the link to apply https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/
ii. Copy of lost / damaged passport.
iii. Residence permit /work permit /visa for Mali /Mauritania and a photocopy thereof.
iv. Three photographs (one pasted on the form).
v. Proposed travel details with itinerary
Registration of Birth
Application for Indian passport of the Child and application for registration of birth should be submitted together.
The registration of birth must be done at the Embassy within one year of Child's birth.
The children born outside India whose parents are Indian citizen gets Indian Citizenship by descent and their births are registered, subject to certain procedural conditions, in Indian Missions/Posts.
Indian parents of children born outside India are required to first submit application for birth registration online and, thereafter, submit duly signed/self attested hard copy of the computer generated application form to the Indian Embassy.
The link for submitting online registration is: https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in/Home2.aspx?formcode=09
i. Miscellaneous Services Form.
ii. Signed/self attested printout of the computer generated application after Form for Registration of Birth (printout of the
iii. Birth Certificate issued by local authorities
iv. Passports of both parents
v. Marriage certificate of the parents
vi. A declaration by parents that the minor child does not hold the passport of any other country.
vii. Two photographs of the newly-born
{Note: The applicants are advised to carefully go through the provisions of Indian Citizenship Act, 1955 and the rules framed there under before submitting the application for grant of Indian Citizenship.}
Registration of Death and Attestation of Death documents
i. Miscellaneous Services Form.
ii. Form for Registration of Death
iii. All death documents to be attested with English translation (Original Death Certificate, embalming certificate from the mortuary, burial/transit permit etc). Ascertain with Airlines their documentary requirements and obtain these from local authorities.
iv. Original passport of the deceased for cancellation
v. Copy of the passport of the applicant
Attestation of various documents, such as, birth certificate, marriage certificate, educational documents, etc.
All applicants should ensure that documents provided for attestation issued by Malian/Mauritanian authorities viz: other than documents issued by Indian authorities, have prior consularization by the Malian/Mauritanian Foreign Office. Documents issued by Indian authorities should be consularized by Ministry of External Affairs, Patiala House, New Delhi. This requirement does not apply when the document itself is not being attested, i.e. when only the signature on a document is to be attested as having been signed in the presence of a Consular Officer.
i. Original passport of the applicant
ii. Photocopy of first and last two pages and any other page with a stamp from Passport Office/Passport Issuing Authority.
iii. Residence permit/work permit/visa for Mali/Mauritania with a photocopy.
Attestation of Power of Attorney/Affidavits relating to property or financial matters:
i. Original passport of the applicant
ii. Photocopy of first and last two pages and any other page with a stamp from Passport Office/Passport Issuing Authority.
iii. Residence permit/work permit/visa for Mali/Mauritania with a photocopy.
iv. The person(s) signing the Power of Attorney must present himself at the Counter. Embassy does not prescribe any specific format/type of paper for Power of Attorney document. The same should be as per your requirements, whether Plain paper or Indian Stamp Paper. Power of Attorney needs to be signed and witnessed by two individuals (with their names and addresses clearly mentioned). The applicant is also required to affix one photograph on the last page of the document.