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These could be:(i) Copy of the Indian passport : or(ii) Copy of the domicile certificate issued by the Competent authority ;or(iii) Any other proof substantiating the request. Usually applicants are able to submit a certificate of residence or place of birth of self/parents/grandparents from First Class Magistrate/District Magistrate (DM) of the concerned place.
OCI Revised Guidelines
Reissuance of Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) cards due to renewal of passports
In case the existing OCI card holder wishes to update/upload the latest information about his latest passport, Change in address/Occupation/Contact details, the OCI card holder can select the option/(s) as given below and upload the latest photograph and requisite documents. These details shall be updated into the OCI system records and an acknowledgement shall be shared with OCI card holder on his/her registered email ID. The services under these categories are gratis in nature:
1. In case issuance of new Passport Details (each time a new passport is issued up to 20 years of age and once after completing 50 years of age)
2. In case change in address/occupation/contact details.
These Miscellaneous services can be availed for re-issuance of OCI Card as well as updating the information time to time as mentioned in the MHA notification dated 16th April, 2021. The re-issuance of new OCI card will be applicable for following categories:
1. In case of issuance of new passport (once a new passport is issued after completing 20 years of age.)
2. In case of change of personal particulars viz. name, father's name, nationality etc.
3. In case of loss/damage of OCI registration certificate.
Rights of OCI cardholders
You may apply for the permission of any one of the activities listed below:
to undertake research;
to undertake any Missionary or Tabligh or Mountaineering or Journalistic activities;
to undertake internship in any foreign Diplomatic Missions or foreign Government organisations in India or to take up employment in any foreign Diplomatic Missions in India;
to visit any place which falls within the Protected or Restricted or prohibited areas as notified by the Central Government or competent authority;
Visit https://ociservices.gov.in/welcome for more details.