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There have been several cases where these unscrupulous individuals had sent fake paper visas by email with which the Indian nationals managed to travel to Mali. Indian nationals who travelled to Mali on such paper visa were allowed to enter into Mali by paying a nominal penalty at the airport in Mali. These Indian nationals were escorted by the so-called Malian party who subsequently extracted, from the Indian nationals, their money and other valuables. Some of the Indian nationals were even asked to remit/have remitted money from India to the bank accounts of these unscrupulous individuals. The banks in Mali do not disclose the credential of the account holders to a third party.
Some Indian nationals were also found to be travelled to Mali on similar paper visas to work in a Malian factory without proper contract and other documentations. On realizing the poor working conditions and false assurances given to them, they had to return to India after facing a lot of difficulty with the employer as well as local immigration authorities.
It may be noted that for travailing to Mali, the Indian Nationals are required to obtain valid visa on passport and yellow fever vaccination certificate. The Malian Embassy in New Delhi issues visa on passport. It is strongly advised that the Indian nationals should not travel to Mali without valid visa stamp affixed on their passports. People desirous of getting employment in Mali should also obtain valid Malian visa on their passports, sign proper employment contracts, complete the emigration formalities etc. before leaving India.
It is also strongly advised that the Indian nationals should verify and ascertain the authenticity of the Malian party before finalizing any business deal. In order to verify their authenticity, one should speak to them on their landline telephone numbers and ask them the following documents (i) Company Registration Number (NINA) of Malian party, (ii) Company Tax Registration Number (NIF) of Malian party, (iii) Complete address including contacts numbers, email ids, website etc. of all the individuals on behalf of the Malian party, (iv) Copy of passport of the owner/proprietor/employer in Mali, (v) Bank A/c details of the Malian party etc. Alternatively, you may ask the Malian party to bring all their documents in original to this Embassy for verification or invite them to visit your place in India.
The Embassy has reported such incidents to the Foreign Ministry of Mali seeking remedial action. However, the Malian Foreign Ministry has advised that the Indian nationals should exercise utmost caution before entering into any such deal/making financial transactions.
Issued in the public interest and the suggestions made hereinabove are purely advisory in nature. The Indian nationals may explore other viable methods to establish the authenticity of the Malian party.