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Prasar Bharati, Doordarshan invites Expression of Interest (EOI) towards Consultancy Service for Providing Detailed Project Report on Establishment of DD International from reputed registered/incorporated companies, Firms or Consortiums dealing with the services.
The interested Consultants, who qualify the criteria mentioned in the EOI document, may submit the response accordingly, The EoI will be opened on 21th July, 2021 at 12:00 Hrs (IST). The detailed EOI document can be viewed /downloaded from website https://prasarbharati.eproc.in . It is also available on Prasar Bharati website http://prasarbharati.gov.in/alltenders.php or from https://eprocure.gov.in.
A Pre-Bid Video Conference is scheduled to be held on 29.06.2021 at 15:00 Hrs (IST). Interested prospective bidders/Consultants may send their Name, Firm’s name, Contact no., and e-Mail ID along with queries on the EoI, if any, by email to ddpurchase401@yahoo.co.in on or before 28.06.2021 up to 17:00 Hrs (IST) so that link for the VC can be sent.